Blockchain Innovation is such a new concept to me and maybe to you as well. I learn new things everyday about it. It has become such a fascinating subject for me over the last few months while we have all been quarantined in our houses searching for things to do. I decided to learn more about this. This be the case for you as well, or maybe not. You may be more familiar than I, but maybe I can teach you a few things. We try to advance as the industry advances, albeit not as fast as they do I am positive. I think these technicians work at lightning speed sometimes. We do add amazing programs, services and products as soon as we find them. This is the future of BlockChain. You can learn all about it here!

Learn all you need to know about Blockchain Innovation HERE!


Blockchain Details: Begin your education on blockchain innovation from my blockchain information page.  It is important to note that we have complied all the information to help anyone to get a grasp of what this is and, more importantly, what it all means.  Also, there are resources on how YOU can benefit from the blockchain.  Ready, Set, GO:

Free Bitcoin

Cryptocurrency Mining: What is “mining”, you ask? THIS is where you find out the answer. This is when you earn bitcoin (or other crypto) through your computer through proof of work as a reward. I have compiled some research on a couple of mining programs that work on PC and MAC that you might be interested in using along with some other helpful information. Start earning now!

Crypto Mining Watch: We are part of an incredible program. Wearable Technology, that scans and “senses” your Medical Details. It is also a Crypto Currency Miner of an ERC-20 Utility Token. One such token that has value in the Crypto Exchanges. So as you wear this and other devices from the same program, you are able to be creating Crypto Currency. See this incredible Watch and Get Started Here:

Crypto Wallet:  We have the only blockchain Wallet you will ever need; End users of Crypto-Currency can have access to the best and most available Blockchain Wallet for the Cryptocurrency Phenomenon.  Get your Crypto Wallet here:

The Buzz on Crypto: This is my take on cryptocurrency. It’s a tough subject for a lay person. Someone who is just learning. But bear with me and we will learn together. There are different types of Cryptocurrencies. We will touch on solutions for a Cryto Wallet. We will talk about purchasing and exchanging cryptocurrencies. There is so much to learn, so Go here and get all the BUZZ!

This is just the beginning in Blockchain Innovation! We have so much more to learn and share…..

You can get more information on blockchain innovation by continuing to the Blockchain Details Page Here.  Don’t forget to bookmark this my page and come back often. We update and add information to this Category Page.  These updates and new services are not only going to make things in life better; but can provide a way to share in the incomes they allow investors small and large.